Bingeing with Spling

Bingeing with Spling Event Tracker – Halloween, 31 Oct 2020

Hey everyone,

This is the official page for tracking everything related to the Bingeing with Spling watch party and movie night festival on Halloween, 31 October 2020. You can refresh this page to keep track of links to screenings, videos, interviews, giveaways and important announcements.

Bingeing With Spling


There’s not ticket! All you need to participate is a screen with an internet connection. Sign up with so you can access the main feature The Cleaning Lady and the double feature, Videoman. Some participants like watching on their notebook so they can interact online but you can also keep your smartphone handy. You can engage with other movie fans on the following platforms:

Official Bingeing with Spling Facebook Watch Party Group

Sign up with – R25 per video-on-demand

LIVE EVENT OVERVIEW – Track the Event on Halloween Day/Night

NOW Spling’s Bingeing with Spling Short Film Introduction
Link: Watch the Short Film Introduction

09:00 MUSIC VIDEO: Marc van der Meulen’s Cover of John Carpenter’s Halloween
Link: Watch Marc van der Meulen’s Music Video

Horror Movie Games

Name this movie, wrong answers only: Facebook Twitter

Blair Witch Project vs Paranormal Activity: Facebook Twitter

18:30 MUSIC VIDEO: Terminatryx Introduce Obsession
Link: Watch Terminatryx Shout Out | Watch Terminatryx Music Video

19:00 SCREENING: Watch horror comedy short film It’s Complicated
Link: Watch It’s Complicated

19:15 INTERVIEW: Grant De Sousa (Director, Co-founder of Go Drive In)
Link: Watch Interview | Watch Shout Out & Teaser

19:30 INTERVIEW: Joan De La Haye (Horror Author)
Link: Watch Interview | Watch Shout Out & Teaser

20:00 SCREENING: Watch psychological horror via FrightFan.TV, The Cleaning Lady
Link: Watch The Cleaning Lady (Sign Up, Then Click Here or Search) | Watch Movie Trailer We Recommend Using Chrome

21:30 INTERVIEW: Stelio Savante (Leading Actor – The Cleaning Lady)
Link: Watch Interview | Watch Shout Out & Teaser

21:50 INTERVIEW: Rachel Alig (Leading Actress – The Cleaning Lady)
Link: Watch Interview | Watch Shout Out

22:10 INTERVIEW: Jon Knautz (Director, Producer, Writer – The Cleaning Lady)
Link: Watch Interview | Watch Shout Out & Teaser

22:30 SCREENING: Watch dark romance comedy drama thriller, Videoman
Link: Watch Videoman (Sign Up, Then Click Here or Search) | Watch Movie Trailer We Recommend Using Chrome

00:00 BEDTIME STORY: Listen to Joan De La Haye read a dark and twisted bedtime story [adults only].
Link: Listen to the Bedtime Story, The Reaper’s Rope

00:10 MUSIC VIDEO: Terminatryx close Halloween watch party.
Link: Watch Terminatryx Music Video


You can stand a chance of winning gift vouchers just by using the #BingeingWithSpling hashtag on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram during the course of the watch party. Or simply join our official Bingeing with Spling watch party group to stand a chance of being randomly drawn as a winner. Here are some other giveaways currently underway.

R200 voucher up for grabs!
Tag the biggest horror fan you know! Enter the draw via Facebook Twitter and/or Instagram.

Win a SPL!NG Movie Hamper!
Give us some ideas for what you’d want to see in a SPL!NG Movie Night hamper .Enter the draw via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.