Bingeing with Spling

Halloween, Horror Movies and a Movie Night Festival

Hey South Africa… I’m film fanatic and movie critic, Spling!

This Halloween we’re watching the chilling horror thriller, The Cleaning Lady on as a main feature at 8pm sharp. Starring Rachel Alig, Alexis Kendra and Stelio Savante, it tells the story of a love-addicted woman who hires a cleaning lady with a dark past. This creepy and disturbing film is directed by Jon Knautz and based on the short film of the same name.

To kick the movie night off on a lighter note, we’re watching horror comedy short film It’s Complicated at 7pm about the horrors of modern dating, directed by Grant De Sousa. For the first time in the short history of Bingeing with Spling, we’re making it a double feature with Videoman, a Swedish dark comedy romance between a VHS collector and woman obsessed with the ’80s, also on and scheduled for 10:30pm.

Joining me as special guests for the next Bingeing with Spling watch party are Stelio Savante, Joan De La Haye, Grant De Sousa as well as Rachel Alig and Jon Knautz. Spling will be interviewing his wonderful guests over the course of the night via Zoom so that you can get a behind-the-scenes take on their creative careers and movies. Savante is one of South Africa’s finest actors, De La Haye is a local horror author and De Sousa is an award-winning commercial director. It’s also great to have The Cleaning Lady’s lead actress and director in Rachel Alig and Jon Knautz as part of the event.

But wait, there’s more!

The Bingeing with Spling watch party series is a movie night festival! To kick off the exciting Halloween line-up, we’re watching Marc v/d Meulen’s cover of John Carpenter’s Halloween theme and a classic music video from Terminatryx, a band synonymous with the spooky holiday and The South African Horrorfest. To wrap things up, South African horror author Joan De La Haye will be reading a dark and twisted bedtime story.

How do you get involved? You can start by following Spling Movies and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for updates. Join the official Bingeing with Spling watch party group on Facebook, use the hashtag #BingeingWithSpling on the day to track and join in the conversation on Twitter or why not join our WhatsApp chat room group. You’ll find details below. The movie night kicks off with some warm up games earlier in the day… so tune in then to help us get the watch party started and prepare to hit play at 7pm for It’s Complicated and then again at 8pm for The Cleaning Lady and 10:30pm for Videoman, which are both available via

We’ll be providing an order of events and posting details as the evening unfolds in addition to social media posts. You’ll get a link to watch It’s Complicated. For the double feature, we’ll provide links for you to watch these horrors using your credit card – just R25 per movie.

To help share the love and get people excited for the watch party, we’re giving away 5x vouchers. Use the #BingeingWithSpling hashtag to enter the draw and stay tuned to our channels to find out how you can win BIG! What’s more, the best comments and tweets of the night will make the SPL!NG round-up article on Monday!

The best way to participate is with your smartphone in hand so that you can track the action on your favourite social media platform during the course of the movie night watch party festival. Share your live-commentary, talk to our special guests, check out the movie trivia, invite your friends to join, post your own review, enter the draw for prizes, eat lots of popcorn, enjoy the movies, dress up and share the experience with movie lovers from across the nation!

Looking forward to seeing you on the night! Wishing you peace, love, hope and prosperity… signing off, Spling.