Bingeing with Spling

Bingeing with Spling: Jurassic Park at the Drive-In

Spling hosted a #BingeingWithSpling watch party on 28 November 2020 with Steven Spielberg’s modern classic Jurassic Park as the main feature and Colin Trevorrow’s Jurassic World universe short film Battle at Big Rock as a curtain-raiser.

Jurassic Park is a sci-fi action adventure thriller based on the novel by Michael Crichton. The film was released in 1993 using a blend of animatronics and cutting edge CGI that still holds up today. While the computers are still locked in the age, Jurassic Park remains one of Spielberg’s greatest achievements, starring Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum.

Battle at Big Rock is a thrilling short film set at a caravan park from Jurassic World director, Colin Trevorrow. Set a year after the events of Fallen Kingdom as dinosaurs roam freely, it expands the universe with a short, sharp burst of dino action. It’s a remarkable effort given the time and resources afforded to Trevorrow. You can watch it below.

As host, Spling presented a watch party introduction video to highlight the movies, special guests, features and get viewers excited for a big movie night in. While ‘Bingeing with Spling’ watch parties were designed to create a shared experience for everyone from the comfort of their couch, our latest watch party took the event into the realm of virtual/reality by staging it at a drive-in theatre in Cape Town. Now with many watching via Showmax, dusting off a disc from their collection or watching the T-Rex from their car at Go Drive In, it’s starting to create its own universe of possibilities.

Getting movie lovers interacting via the #BingeingWithSpling hashtag, official Facebook group, WhatsApp group or even in person… it’s about movie community, crafting watch parties that break the fourth wall. Sure, it’s about grabbing a bucket of popcorn and keeping a social media device on standby before switching online for the curtain-raiser and then over to Showmax or Go Drive In for the main feature. But it’s so much more than that… playing warm up movie games, enjoying movie trivia, watching exclusive interviews with amazing guests and having the best movie night from wherever you are!

Live-commenting on the film, engaging directly with Spling and getting the chance to win great prizes, the watch party makes it so much more than just a movie night! Spling invited gaming/tech guru and Jurassic Park megafan, Grant Hinds to join as a special guest. He arrived in his Japanese Jurassic Park t-shirt and witnessed the first big screening of the movie in drive-in style! Spling also managed to discuss paleontology, major discoveries in South Africa and Jurassic Park with Professor Jonah Choiniere from Wits Evolutionary Studies Institute. An illuminating and entertaining interview, he discussed the real world of paleontology, the discovery of 12 ton dinosaur Ledumahadi mafube as well as exciting developments at Golden Gate near Clarens.

Spling also welcomed a special guest performance from music composer and podcaster, John Bartmann, from the band Pravda. The talented local muso is dedicated to crafting audio that entices the listener and demonstrated this through his creative and unique multi-screen take on the Jurassic Park theme in the key of Spling. You’ve got to see it for yourself!

‘Bingeing with Spling’ is a celebration of everything great about movies! Doing movie night together, making it interactive, creating a whole new dimension to the film and delivering layers of entertainment value… it’s more of a movie night festival! It was wonderful gathering people together to share their love of Jurassic Park, dinosaurs and unpack South Africa’s veritable goldmine of fossils. The drive-in experience was perfect when you think about the climactic water cup car scene from the iconic film and was a great way for ‘Bingeing with Spling’ to break out into the real world.

Follow @SplingMovies or join the official ‘Bingeing with Spling’ watch party group on Facebook or WhatsApp to stay tuned for updates.

Best Comments on the Night

“This was the first movie I ever watched at the Drive-In when it came out Face with tears of joy I still remember eating Jurassic Park branded jelly candy.” ~ @pamlee_hockly via Twitter

“Let it be known that I’m only here for Hot Jeff.” ~ @LeonieMollentze via Twitter

“Ooh Jurassic Park! Loved the original. Takes me back to my teens and bunking school to watch it with the BF. Worth every tyre and tile I had to scrub for the next month as punishment!” ~ Zayne K via WhatsApp

“What a cute little fellow.” ~ Wesley Makofane via WhatsApp

“Tonight is THE night!! #BingeingWithSpling” ~ @SuperFansSA via Twitter

#BingeingWithSpling and #Jurassic Park winners…

Showmax Pro Vouchers (3-month)

– Wesley Makofane
– Leonie Mollentze

Showmax Vouchers (Standard 12-month)

– Thea Lennox
– @RastaMystic
– Brad Knowles