Bingeing with Spling

Bingeing with Spling Live Event Tracker – Jurassic Park 28 Nov 2020

This is the official page for tracking everything related to the Bingeing with Spling watch party and movie night festival of Jurassic Park, 28 November 2020. You can refresh this page during the course of the event to keep track of links to screenings, videos, interviews, giveaways and important announcements. Scroll to the bottom of this page for ways to get involved. All times are GMT +2.

LIVE EVENT OVERVIEW – Track the Event on the Day/Night

Spling’s Bingeing with Spling Introduction
Link: Watch the Introduction

Dinosaur Movie Games

Name this movie, wrong answers only:

Vote: The Land Before Time vs The Good Dinosaur:

18:30 MUSIC PERFORMANCE: Watch John Bartmann (Pravda) perform a cover of the Jurassic Park theme
Link: John Bartmann’s Jurassic Park Theme

19:00 SCREENING: Watch Colin Trevorrow’s short film Battle at Big Rock
Link: Watch Battle at Big Rock

19:15 INTERVIEW: Grant Hinds (Gaming and Tech Guru)
Link: Watch Interview

20:00 SCREENING: Watch Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park
Link: Watch Jurassic Park via Showmax
Watch Movie Trailer

22:00 INTERVIEW: Prof. Jonah Choiniere (Wits Evolutionary Studies Institute)
Link: Watch Interview

22:40 MUSIC VIDEO: Dinosaur Jr’s Feel the Pain
Link: Watch Dinosaur Jr’s ‘Feel the Pain’


You can stand a chance of winning 1 of 2 Showmax Pro gift vouchers just by using the #BingeingWithSpling hashtag on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram during the course of the watch party. Or simply join our official Bingeing with Spling watch party group to stand a chance of being randomly drawn as a winner. Here are some other giveaways currently underway.

Win Showmax for a Year
Facebook – Hit Like and Dinofy Your Profile Picture
Twitter – RT and Dinofy Your Profile Picture


All you need to participate is a screen with an internet connection. Sign up with Showmax to stream Jurassic Park, dust off that DVD (or VHS!?) or join us at the Go Drive In if you’re in Cape Town. Some like watching on their notebook so they can interact online but you can just as easily watch on the couch with your smartphone handy.

Use the #BingeingWithSpling hashtag to engage with other movie fans or jump onto the following platforms:

Official Bingeing with Spling Facebook Watch Party Group