Bingeing with Spling

Get Ready for Guy Ritchie’s Latest, The Gentlemen

We’re watching Guy Ritchie’s The Gentlemen on Showmax or Google Play as a main feature at 8pm sharp on Saturday, 27 March (GMT+2). The star-studded crime caper boasts Matthew McConnaughey, Hugh Grant, Colin Farrell, Charlie Hunnam and Henry Golding. The Gentlemen tells the story of an American expatriate and drug kingpin whose scheming triggers shady characters who want to steal his domain.

Special Guest

Joining me as a special guest for the next Bingeing with Spling watch party is CinĂ© Binger. His Twitter bio describes him as a movie lover, popcorn addict and cinema’s MVP. True to his name, you can find regular updates on the latest posters, movie news, casting calls, celebrity buzz and awards! Join thousands of movie fans in following CinĂ© Binger for breaking movie news and media.

Stay Tuned

How do you get involved? You can start by following Spling Movies on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for updates. Join the official Bingeing with Spling watch party group on Facebook, use the hashtag #BingeingWithSpling on the day to track and join in the conversation on Twitter. Want us to keep in touch via email, sign up.

The movie night kicks off with some warm up games… so tune in then to help us get the watch party started and prepare to hit play at 8pm for The Gentlemen on Showmax or Google Play.

The Gentlemen


Use the #BingeingWithSpling hashtag during the watch party to enter the draw and stay tuned to our channels to find out how you can win BIG! What’s more, the best comments and tweets of the night will make the SPL!NG round-up article on Monday!

Get Involved

All you need to join in the fun is watch the movie and tune into the conversation on Twitter. The best way to participate is with your smartphone in hand so that you can track the movie night watch party action following our social feeds or by using #BingeingWithSpling.

Share your live-commentary, interact with our special guests, check out the movie trivia, invite your friends to join, post your own review, enter the draw for prizes, eat lots of popcorn, enjoy the movies and share the experience with movie lovers from wherever you are!